Learning Tools, LLC
Welcome to QUASH!
QUASH! is a collection of printable educational materials. The content is designed for students who are in the process of learning fundamental reading and math skills. The materials are designed to add some fun to that process!
Thank you for visiting my site!
I am an ASHA certified Speech/Language Pathologist with more than 25 years of professional experience working with children with communication and learning challenges. Based on my professional and personal experiences, I created this collection of printable materials.
This project started with some simple board games with single words to help a few first graders who were reading below grade level. Specifically, these students were having difficulty with word recognition and decoding. With repeated practice, these kiddos made gains. They loved the games and were eager to take them home to play.
The collection expanded to include flashcards, worksheets, and interactive charts. Materials are now available to support students in the areas of reading, math, vocabulary, and articulation. All materials are black and white with no added borders or decorative details. They are simple by design so that visual details can be added to facilitate recognition and memorization. You and/or your student(s) can highlight a few math facts, underline “tricky” words, or even draw a small picture.
The common thread in the collection is the word QUASH! It appears on every item. Initially, it was simply a fun call-out while playing the board games. I now think of QUASH! as a placeholder of sorts. Where the word QUASH! appears, an action or response can be included to elevate the level of fun. This response could be a quick movement break or an opportunity to practice a social skill. To better illustrate this point, I've put together a brief list of different ways to QUASH! Please scroll down to view. To see examples of how these responses might be paired with individual materials, please use the link below.
I hope these materials provide a special context for the practice and repetition children need to master those critical foundational academic skills. If some fun is had along the way, that's even better! I believe the world could use a little more joy.
How to QUASH!
This collection of responses is a place to start. Enjoy tapping into your own creativity to ​make these materials work for you and your child/students. At times, you might not do anything more than say, whisper, or shout the word QUASH! as a call-out (like "Bingo!"). For additional fun, consider including one of the following: ​
5 second dance party
Jumping jacks
Hop on 1 foot
March/run in place
Walk 1 lap around room
Snap fingers
Stomp feet
Drum desktop
Pause and breathe
Say an affirmation
Tap into gratitude
Strike a pose (Warrior; Superman)
Social Skills Practice
Compliment a peer
Extend an apology
Traditional Game Functions
Go again!
Move ahead/back 1 space
Take card/cards from other players
Return card/cards to the dealer